Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First post!

I love to write poetry...I write some prose...Right now I'm working on a story called Hitman V...I would like to believe it's good...but that's what I hope...anyway...I would like to spend time working on Hitman V, so I can get farther along with it and maybe post it on either or of the websites I visit to much...

I really like Garth Nix's stuff, his writing is so interesting and enthralling...It really is entrancing...I also love to read Janet Evanovich's Stephany Plum series...they are so funny! I usually read them with my mother, because we both love them.

I love to write...but I'm not sure what I think people will think of my stuff...My stuff is usually extreamly dark and depressing, but this time I actually wrote something different...anyway... If you want to read it look in the next post from me!

Jaa Matta!


Unknown said...

HELLO PERSON I KNOW. hows it going apparently im supposed to write something on your blog so i am. ummm i like writing poems to but i dunno by who because i never read many writers poems.

Bethany Joy said...


what does Jaa Matta mean?

Kristina's Blog said...
