Thursday, November 1, 2007

Assignment #7

1) I really enjoyed writing poetry, because poetry released more emotion towards writing. With short stories you were forced to write about a single thing and you had to stay on topic, if we could run wild with writing short stories I would like that better.

2) My strongest piece of writing would have to poem "11 Ways to Love" because it shows so much emotion and different ways of one single emotion and belief. Poetry is a strong point, since I do have 2 publishing awards for poems I've written, but I really like writing short stories, even ones for a long story that I'm writing personally....It's hard to say...I have over 500 poems written personally...alot have gone missing, but I still know I wrote them. I have alot of inspiration towards poetry and some short stories from my dreams and every day interactions.

3) I learned that I let out alot of emotion in my writing this semester and I sometimes have to be careful about what I write so I don't offend someone... I don't need alot of prodding, I just need inspiration. I find that if I put a pencil to paper or a keyboard in front of me, my writing goes anywhere that my fingers lead it to. I sometimes don't realize what I'm writing until I go over it afterwards. I like being free in my writing...but sometimes structure and direction are needed. Just to keep writing safe if need be...

4) I would like to get into writing non-fiction...maybe some fantasy...but we've probably done that already, but I don't like plays and screenplays. They are so hard to do without someone else helping you or working with you. If we do do screenplays and plays I would love it if we were in groups..and not by ourselves...^_^ If we do non-fiction, I think researching a topic and writing a paper or something on it...I'm weird...I like writing research papers...Maybe music reviews.... I listen to alot of music...that sounds good...I don't like memoirs, but I can deal with it...


Bethany Joy said...


i can't beleive you actually suggested we should do a research paper.
i'm going to kill you.
(not for real- i promise. i'm just going to hate you for a while. jeeze.)

Caro's Blog said...

I enjoyed poetry a lot, too.
It is cool that your dreams can give you some inspirations for writing. I never can remember my dreams. It is cool that you don't need too much of structure I always need something, because I am not so good at imagine something.

.//blog said...

also, storyes are better. your poems always turn out emo.

Bethany Joy said...

i liked michelle's idea about writing plays in groups.... would depend on the group. for example. i would prefer not to be in a group with Jakub because the story would turn out completely insane and people would be saying things in japanese.