Tuesday, April 29, 2008


WHOOO HOO!!!!! Sitting in Bio class with nothing to do...My friend Chris Pose is standing behind me doing nothing... LALALALALALALA...

Jakub is a NYYYYEEEEEERRRRRRDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All because he wont give me pictures of Japan! ASSHOLE! Anyway... I feel guilty that I haven't posted in a while... But that's what happens when your life is sucked away from a story about pirates (*cough cough* Akuroku *cough cough*) or having a job...well...life is interesting...

I'll have to post some pictures of Anime Detour... one of the craziest times of my life!

1 comment:

Bethany Joy said...

Michelle has returned!
you should comment on my posts you haven't read sometime
i've been busy writing still! just not as busy as before
and e-mail me Hitman V stuff!!!!!!!
love ya :)