Friday, January 18, 2008

So Long, Thanks For All The Fish!

1) The strengths of the genre are that you never could run out of things to say...I don't really have strengths of the genre, but I know many people don't believe my experiences because half of them seem like stories....My dreams are as screwed up as my dad's fairytales...maybe even worse...I have a weakness with the genre due to the fact that I couldn't pick a topic...I wouldn't know if I would tackle it again...right now all I want to focus on is my Hitman V story (which I worship by the way)...I absolutely love being able to write something like that but anyway...We'll have to see how I did on my personal essay to say how well I did and if I could use improvement....

2) Reading can help the writer find some form of influence..if that is the right word...I know for a fact that after I read something, I wanna experiment with something like that. It makes me want to try new things, it also helps me escape from reality along with my writing. Reading is important also for it because if we couldn't read, we couldn't write! With my writing I always seem to be so into my writing I lose track of myself and where I am. I live in my stories as I write them, but with I stop, I lose my made up world. Reading for me is like eating, I need it to writing is a way to let out my emotions as my reading gives me an excuse to just get out of my body and focus my mind on something's great for me to relax! Writing is as important as reading because if we didn't write, nothing would be there to read! They go hand-in-hand!

3) My favorite writing piece that I've writen this year...hmm...probably either one of my poems or my second short story...because my poems reflect what I feel inside and let out my emotions trapped in me..also my second short story is part of my Hitman V story so it helped me get out of my writers block! I loved writing it. My favorite genre would have to be fiction or doubt..I hate having to write something I don't just get, those come naturally to me so I do what I feel is right and I write. The screen play was the hardest for me to write...probably because of the stage directions and picking a topic...I always seem to have a problem with having to write something that is based off of a specific's weird...I didn't really care for my first short story because that didn't really help me as a writer and it was a forced topic....I will continue with writing my Hitman V story, and I might need help on some of the specific terms and ways to write it, but I can try!

4) Quiz
Coke or Pepsi: Diet Coke
Li'l Wayne or Little Debbie: Neither
McDonald's or Arby's: Subway
Chiptole or Taco Bell: Taco Bell (I've never stepped foot inside a Chiptole)
American Idol or MTV: Nither, House wins by far!
Buffalo Wings or Florida: Florida, it's warm...
New York City or Los Angeles: Los Angeles, It's warm...
Name you like for your future daughter: Lilith, Luna, or Karina
Name you like for your future son: Vincent Lee Baine
What is or what will be the first country you see outside the continent of North America: I wanna go away! I wanna go to Japan! NIHON!
Disney movie you would be most likely to watch on your 21st birthday: Mulan

5. Can you figure out what Disney movie my blog title comes from? No... Can you figure out the movie I got my title from?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Me and My Pathetic Life...

1) One principle I have that guides me in life...Ummm...I have no idea...probably being true to anything I can...I try not to lie, even if the truth hurts, I try to always tell it. I know I value everything I hold dear and what I care about...If there is anything that insults or mistreats what I love, I will get back at it. I care to much about my friends and family that I would die for them. I don't care what people say to me or about me, I only care about what they say about or to my friends. I guess that is my principle. I protect and value what I love.

2) The thing is...I don't really pay attention to the news...I mean, I know it effects everyone's lives, and there are important issues in hand every day...but I would have to say, that it doesn't effect me that much....I care more about what happens with my friends than what is shown on the news. I don't really care about what people say on the news...Oh! I remember one news story that effected me...I was in it, it was a news story about my church, I was in the picutre about the High School Choir...that's about it for me and the news....I seriously didn't hear about the 35W bridge collapse until at least a day later...I know, it's really sad...But I don't care about the news, because there are more important things I need to do in life than sit around and watch the news.

3) I hope to accomplish....I don't know...My philosophy on life is "What happens, happens for a reason, whatever it is"...There is nothing else to look forward to...I know I wanna try to find a better job...I wanna finish my "Hitman V" story I'm writing...(which is pathetically failing) But that's bacically it...I'm proud of what I have in my Hitman V story..and I'm proud of what I've created...I also hope to not get hurt as much as I did in 2007...but so far...It's failing miserably....I've already hurt myself...playing video games...again...I'm pathetic...I know it...but I guess I have nothing I want to accomplish in 2008...I know...It's really sad...