Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Assignment #4

Arnold is a creeper...he scares me...The story itself is pretty good...but Arnold Friend is a creepy dude...The story was intriguing, but the ending was unexpected and kinda strange. The plot was interesting and kinda difficult to find and understand, the setting wasn't the most descriptive, so it was kinda hard to picture. Connie seemed like an average girl going against her family a lot. Arnold...well...I think you know my opinion on said above.

The setting in the second half is important because it shows that she was excited to be alone, but she was vulnerable being alone. When she is alone, Arnold showed up and well...the ending is the strange, especially when he gets her out of the house and takes her away from her home.

I think that at the end she gets willingly kidnapped, if that makes any sense... He persuaded her out of her house, after she gave up of course, and takes her away.

Elements of a great short story:
1) Intriguing characters
2) Enthralling plot
3) A first line that hooks you in
4) The element of surprise
5) An element of some emotion
6) A character that scares you
7) Some innocence
8) Some sort of action
9) Fight scenes
10) Life threatening trials.


.//blog said...

you don't need a scary character.

but it helps.

yah Arnold's creepy.
and so is the guy that keeps wanting to cut the phone lines.

Bethany Joy said...

i agree with most of your elements of a good short story and your analysis of the story seems very right on!

Caro's Blog said...

I think the first line is wery important for a short story but i gree with the most odf zour other elements, too.