Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blame - Assignment #2

I found this song actually quite reciently, but it's effected me greatly...It is a song that describes how what people do to you can change how you think about them. I just randomly found it on Youtube and I got addticted to the song, I have to listen to it at least 4 times a day...it's really an amazing song.

I think this song "hits" me because I found it right after a bad day, and I wanted to blame everyone else for all my problems but this song, it made me realize that if I want to blame people for my problems, there has to be a real reason for it. It got me thinking about what I blame people for, and if they really deserve the reason for it.

"...I know I'd better stop trying

You know that there's no denying

I won't show mercy on you now

I know I should stop believing

I know that there's no retrieving

It's over now

What have you done?

What have you done now?

I, I've been waiting for someone like you

But now you are slipping away

What have you done now?

Why, Why does fate make us suffer

There's a curse between us

Between me and you..."

This part of the song struck me and made me think of all the things that people have done to me and if I should really blame them for my problems. It made me think that I should've taken the blame for all the problems I've had. But for the problems that aren't my fault, I should blame those and ask them, "Why?"

1) What problems of yours do you blame others for?

2) What kind of questions would you ask people if they caused you problems?


Bethany Joy said...

2) if people caused me problems i would ask them why? I would be really defensive and angry and want to know what i did that made them retaliate or if they just hated me on site. I would want to know why they were so destructive.

....and i would want to know how i could help them move on or be less so.

.//blog said...

prompt 2:
what's wrong with you?