Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well, I'm at work and I have to wait until 8 to actually start since I have to be here a half an hour early for my sister...

Yes, me and my sister work at the same place, about 20 ft away from the same room... Fun, no?

Well, my father is one of the people ment to keep me busy...and Some people might consider him my boss...but that's not true...My boss's name is Chad...yep fun fun

Anyway, I'm just sitting here looking over some old posts of mine and my friends listening to random songs I bought...

OOH! YAY! Bon Jovi!

Anyway, I'm heading up to my cabbin in a few days...Satuday...I don't wanna go...but I have to..yet again...

Maybe I can have an excuse to be anti social...

I'm apoligising ahead of time just incase I use up everyones minutes from calling them all the time! I just need an escape...

Maybe I can convince my parents to let me go into town all the time... I hope we don't go to Black Duck but we go to Bemidiji...for phone service...otherwise we would be having a party at Black Duck since I still remember some of the places there from my childhood...

My very sheltered and repressed childhood that i have few memories of...

I seriously have issues...and my friends better be happy that I don't email them every time I get on a computer here...cause they would probably wanna kill me by the third day...

Maybe I can escape for a bit today to go think...

Last night was alot of fun, I was reminising with Mayme and Sam...(I LOVE THEM!!!) But anyway...I was reminising and after dropping Sam off at home me and Maymes just drove around for a while and talked...I really needed that...and it felt amazing....I feel so relaxed...

I still have about 10're stuck with me...

No one really goes on their blog I think i'm relatively safe from having everyone on the planet reading this...including my family and my coworkers...but anyway...

I finally killed off my main character's parents in the story I'm writing! It's the part I've been avoiding for almost a year!!! I'M SO HAPPY IT'S OVER WITH!!!! Life is a party right now...

A party of Sleep Deprevation...

I am so tired...but I can't sleep until next week....GAH! I am sooo gonna kill something if I don't get some sleep tonight...

I've been staying up way to late doing random things...Like reading fanfiction....(*coughcough*) I blame Mayme for my addiction....

At least I convinced her to send me the stories instead of just the link so I can read something without having to visit the sight!! And maybe she'll send me the link to the story along with it so if I like it enough I can fav it...

Well, my family took me tanning...and that was a party... They signed me up for an account at this place since I have no life and it sucks major ass!! I'm bacically stuck doing random shit I don't wanna do...

That's life...

Well, maybe I'll give everyone a break and actually get off the computer...Maybe the coffee is made!!!